• Professor Charles Francis Xavier, who has the mutant ability to read minds, searches for new mutants to train them how to use their powers for good and to prevent the mutants from harming themselves and others at his School for Gifted Youngsters. His opposition, Magneto Master of Magnetism, is doing the same thing, but for evil purposes. He has made Mystique who is a shape-shifter, a principle of his high school to gather evil mutants to prepare them for war against non-mutants. The most interesting plot of the story is that all the heroes and villains attend the same high school. The classic battle of good vs. evil has begun again.
  • Mirror Tulip tries to create a new life for herself JiJIKB.com outside the Mirror World.
  • 1944年,二战已经接近尾声,穷途末路的德国纳粹变得格外残忍,众多盟军士兵在缴械后惨遭杀害。美军士兵迪克(Corbin Allred 饰)、斯蒂文(Alexander Polinsky 饰)、谢尔(Larry Bagby 饰)和戈登(Peter Asle Holden 饰)四人从纳粹的屠杀中侥幸逃脱,曾经在德国担任神父的迪克通晓德语,加之出色的枪法令他成为四人中颇为依赖的战力,然而此时的迪克身陷厌战症的困扰,频频出现在眼前的黑影不知是敌人的身形还是死神的召唤?四人在暂时栖身的木屋中恰巧听闻了德军的情报,于是赶在德军之前救出了一位英军飞行员温利。温利身负传递德军布阵情报的重要使命,为了让情报顺利传达挽救盟军将士生命,迪克等四人与温利一同踏上穿越德军封锁线的征途……
  • 该片根据爱尔兰共产党领袖詹姆斯·格拉尔顿生平创作,讲述他1933年从美国流亡归来,重启“吉米舞厅”的故事。所谓“吉米舞厅”是指詹姆斯·格拉尔顿在爱尔兰Effrinagh开办的一家舞厅,无数自由的思想家在这里学习、激辩、梦想和娱乐。不过《吉米的舞厅》很有可能是洛奇拍摄的最后一部故事片了,早在今年8月洛奇长期合作伙伴、电影制片人RebeccaO’Brien就曾向媒体透过口风,说由于年纪和精力的原因,肯·洛奇今后只会拍纪录片和电视剧,不大可能再拍故事片了。